The Toast Test
"Maybe a good question to ask about your products—or your lifestyle—is this: Does it pass the toast test?"
Advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) aren’t formed without three things: sugar, protein and heat. Heat causes sugar molecules to fuse with protein peptides, and the result is AGEs. Oh, and in case you forgot: AGEs are toxic, corrosive, oxidative little nasties that have a knack for eating away at and destroying healthy cells, organs and systems.
Sugar, protein and heat. When those three things get together the conditions are just right for an AGE party, and your health pays the price.
Nowhere is the chemical reaction between sugar, protein and heat more apparent than on food. Think of a piece of bread, for example. Bread contains both sugar and protein. Bread is usually soft and supple, but something happens when you add an element of heat. The bread changes color. It becomes stiff and brown, and we don’t call it bread anymore. We call it toast.
What happened? Well, in short, the combination of sugar, protein and heat caused AGEs to form all over the face of that bread.
When you watch bread become toast, you’re actually witnessing a scientific phenomenon called the Maillard reaction. This reaction describes the process of sugar melting, caramelizing, and fusing with protein. In other words, you are witnessing the formation of AGEs.
Before you start fantasizing about slathering butter and jelly all over that freshly toasted bread, consider this: the Maillard reaction reaches far beyond food; in fact, the Maillard reaction describes the fusing of sugar and protein wherever those two things happen to be. The Maillard reaction can take place on a piece of bread, under the heat coils of a toaster oven, or it can happen inside your body.
So imagine a piece of bread again, and imagine a toaster oven sitting beside it. We’re going to run our imaginary bread through our imaginary toaster oven once again, but this time I want you to think about your skin, or your kidneys, or the billions of healthy cells in your body. All of those things in your body contain sugar and protein, just like bread. And just like bread, your cells are subject to the AGE-creating Maillard reaction.
Just as heat causes AGEs to form all over the face of a nice soft piece of bread, turning it into toast, so will heat cause AGEs to form all over your cells, organs and systems, making them weak, old and damaged.
Want another example? Visit the beach sometime. There you’ll see the kinds of things the heat from the sun will do to skin—be it a leathery dark tan, or a strawberry sunburn. This is the Maillard reaction; this is AGE-formation, right on the surface of the skin.
Morinda is the worldwide leader in anti-AGE research and application. Morinda has been developing AGE-fighting products for almost two decades. TruAge Max, Morinda’s next-generation flagship product, was shown in a recent clinical study to lower AGE levels by up to 24% when taken every day. In fact, it was this study that propelled the product development team at Morinda to develop TruAge Core—a line of four products designed to fight AGEs from four distinct directions.
One of these products, TruAge Skin AGE Therapy Gel, has a specific topical application to address the effects of AGE damage on the skin. It contains noni, Cornelian cherry, olive leaf extract, cranberry and blueberry. It also contains known AGE-fighting ingredients like carnosine and oat kernel extract. We at Morinda are very, VERY excited about this product, and we were eager to put it to the test.
That’s where the toast comes in. That’s right—we’re not done with toast yet.
Morinda researchers had a question: Could AGE Therapy Gel protect bread from the big bad toaster? We claim AGE Therapy Gel will protect your skin from AGE formation—would it also protect bread? With a soft, fluffy piece of bread in hand, our research team decided to spread AGE Therapy Gel on specific parts of the bread, leaving the other parts untouched. They then exposed the bread to direct heat in a toaster oven.
And then they waited.
The results were fascinating and encouraging. The edges around the areas where AGE Therapy Gel was spread looked like normal toast. The spots with AGE Therapy Gel were almost completely unaffected.
It looked as if the AGE Therapy Gel spot was not affected by the heat at all. The AGE Therapy Gel area was soft and colorless. The proven, high quality AGE-fighting formula found in AGE Therapy Gel prevented the Maillard reaction from taking place, and AGE Therapy Gel protected the piece of bread from harmful AGEs.
AGE Therapy Gel passed the toast test.
The toast test is a simplified, visual explanation of how AGE Therapy Gel works. In this test, the ingredients found in AGE Therapy Gel, like noni, Cornelian cherry, carnosine and oat kernel extract, created a protective barrier against AGEs—keeping sugar, protein and heat at bay. That’s how AGE Therapy Gel keeps your skin looking soft, strong and young with plenty of elasticity.
But in the grander sense, the bread we use for the toast test is a symbol for how ALL of the products found in TruAge Core help you live, look and feel younger, longer. AGEs attack every cell, every organ, every system, every joint, bone and muscle, and they do it all day every day. If your body was a piece of bread, it would be toast before you know it. You need some help, and TruAge Core is just the thing to help you.
TruAge Core is a complete AGE management system. It targets AGEs on the outside and the inside; it blocks, stops, disrupts and eliminates AGEs. It keeps your bread looking soft and supple, in a manner of speaking.
So maybe a good question to ask about your products—or your lifestyle—is this: Does it pass the toast test?
Check out our TruAge Skin AGE Therapy Gel video to see the toast test!
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