Monday, August 25, 2014

Technological breakthroughs that will shape our future

 Technological breakthroughs that will shape our future

"We live in a world of technological breakthroughs, and with the TruAge Scanner, Morinda is at the forefront of that world."


As I mentioned last time, I just celebrated(?) my 60th birthday. I still don’t consider myself very old, but when I consider the progress of technology that I have witnessed in my life, it is actually quite amazing.

When I was a kid, the technology that my parents owned consisted of a black and white TV, radio, electric stove and oven, refrigerator and a manual washing machine for clothes. That’s it. Our TV was powered by vacuum tubes that were always blowing out. One of my jobs, along with my brothers, was to take the tubes to the grocery store where there was a tube testing device to determine if they were good or not, and if not purchase a replacement. This happened very often.

In school, I learned to type on a manual typewriter. In algebra, geometry and calculus, I made the calculations with a slide rule. All arithmetic was done manually.

When I was 15 or 16, one of my friends brought to school a new device that blew us away. It was a called a calculator. It was the size of note pad and was able to do all the arithmetic functions: add, subtract, multiply and divide. It really blew our minds. It was very expensive and very few people could afford them. 

Our telephone at home was connected to two other homes on what was called a “party line.” If we wanted to make a call we had to find a time when no one in any of the three homes were using the line. It was often that you were on a call and someone from one of the other homes listened to your entire conversation. We used the phone for very important matters only.

So, from my days in junior high and high school, I have seen advances in technology that have literally changed the world and created new economies, new industries and a new reality for everyone on earth.

In medicine, technology has improved diagnoses and treatment at an amazing rate. Imagine this: the MRI imaging machine was first used in 1977. Can you imagine how many lives have been saved and how many procedures have been successfully diagnosed because of this invention?
We live in a world of technological breakthroughs. If we pause to consider what each of us have seen in our lives, no matter how old, we will realize that our future is being shaped right now. As an individual, I am anxious to see discoveries made and technology go forward because I can see how life has improved in so many ways.
As entrepreneurs, our passion is to “catch the vision” of trends and innovations that shape business opportunities. In this light, I want to bring to your mind one of the most important technological discoveries to come along in a very long time: The TruAge Scanner.

Think of it—AGEs are just in the very early stage of public awareness. And in this early stage we have a device that has been developed over the past 18 years to meet this exact need. It’s like three perfectly aligned timelines:
  1. Education and awareness of AGEs and their incredible importance in understanding the aging process in the human body has progressed and now beginning to be embraced by every country.
  2. Diagnoptics, of The Netherlands, perceived the importance of AGEs as a health marker and set out to develop a device to easily measure AGEs through the skin. 
  3. Morinda, of the United States, followed a course that led to the eventual discovery that its products could manage and lower AGEs in the body.

Awareness, technology and product: Three timelines intersecting at the perfect time to create a breakthrough opportunity.

The TruAge Scanner is to Health Care technology what the iPhone is to computing technology. It is a game changer. It is one of those discoveries that will change the way we view healthy living, and shape every aspect of our lives. You will see, the TruAge score will be recognized as equally important as knowing your cholesterol, blood pressure, BMI etc. But eventually your AGE score will become the most important of all health markers to you. The TruAge Scanner is the only device that can instantly give you an AGE reading. 

In our July business summits, held around the world, we will present to you more compelling information about the TruAge Scanner and provide for you a business plan to follow to create more success and more opportunity for your organization. You, however, must bring your vision to the event. 

As entrepreneurs, we look for opportunity. We study trends, we look for discoveries and inventions that will be game changers. We apply vision. Entrepreneurs have the talent to look beyond today; an entrepreneur can see next year and beyond. This ability, this vision, creates the kind of success that we all seek.
We stand at the threshold of an amazing new era of healthy living awareness and the opportunity that comes hand in hand with that. As people become more and more aware of AGEs and their vital role in our aging process, their vital role in how well we will age and how much we will enjoy our life, they will come to us for the answers. 

This message is ours. This time is ours. WE ARE MORINDA!

Best Wishes.

Kelly Olsen
Founder/Chief Marketing Officer
Morinda, Inc.

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