Sunday, March 1, 2015

Area Developer update: an all-new opportunity for Jades

Learn about the exciting Area Developer announcement made at ILC!
I want you to imagine a map of the world. The water is blue, the borders are black, and the land is white. Can you see it in your mind? 

Now, I want you to imagine black dots where Morinda has volume and activity—a black dot everywhere Morinda has an office, an IPC, an organization or any kind of sales.

By now your map should look like someone spilled a few specks of pepper in a great big pile of salt. In other words, there should be a lot of white space. Despite our huge reach, Morinda has just barely scratched the surface when it comes to potential customers, organizations and geographical areas. There are near-infinite opportunities for growth and expansion around the world 

We introduced this “
White Spaces” idea to you two years ago in Hawaii, and even though we’ve made great progress in that time, there are still billions—BILLIONS—in the world who still need to know about AGEs, TruAge and Morinda.

Enter the
Area Developer.

Area Developer is a title we introduced to give our business partners incentive to help us fill in the white spaces. The requirements are demanding, but the reward is handsome. Like, seriously handsome.

Area Developers have the opportunity to earn two incomes from the same business—something that has never been attempted by any network marketing company in the history of our industry—and extra shares of our wealth-building bonus pools.

Those who have qualified as ADs represent, to us, a new expanded leadership base for Morinda. These new AD leaders will become the energy and leadership as Morinda moves into the future.

As you know, we announced last fall that everyone who meets the first stage of qualification by February 28 will be given an extension to August 31 to finish their qualification.  

At ILC we made another announcement: We are going to reward all of those IPCs who qualify for the Jade Bonus by the end of April with the opportunity to go on to become an AD by August of this year.

Jades are our superstars. And this is one way we’ll show our appreciation.

here for more details about the Jade Bonus.
Additionally, we announced at the Global Leader Summit that if an IPC exceeds their baseline by 4,800 and achieves Jade by the end of February 2015, then we will give them the chance to qualify for AD by August 31. They do not have to be sponsored by a qualified AD. They do not qualify for the Jade Bonus of $500, but they will be granted the opportunity to qualify for AD.
Other details:

•    If an IPC qualifies as AD at least one month by February 28, 2015, they have until August 31, 2015 to achieve their last two months (or November 30, 2015 in the case of EAD).
•    If they achieve full AD status by April of 2015 or EAD by May of 2015, then they can receive another spot bonus of $5,000 or $25,000, respectively, by achieving an additional four times AD and six times EAD by December 31, 2015.

Take a look at what Kelly Olsen said about the Area Developer program from stage at ILC: “The future of the AD program will be to accelerate the process of filling in the white spaces,” he said. “We will do this by opening new markets, or re-opening markets that have gone into inactivity over the years. We will do this by focusing on areas within active markets that have large growth potential.”

Area Developers are our Expansion Leaders.

Join with us

morinda IPC number : 2631879
e-mail :
mobile : 82-10-8639-8955

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