As you go about building your business and getting ready for ILC, I want to challenge you to look again at anyone you may have dismissed for one reason or another
For those of you who do not know, I am well into my 30's and I am still single, having never been married. As you can imagine, I have been on a lot of blind dates in my time. In fact, at last count, I have been set up on over 250 blind dates. I wish I were exaggerating, but I am not.
I also realize that by sharing this information with a bunch of experts in networking, I have just opened up Pandora's Box.
However, I promise you that this is relevant to your business and your success, so I implore you to continue down this rabbit hole with me as I tell you about one blind date set up in particular.
Several years ago, at a family function, my aunt hesitantly approached me and asked if I was dating anyone at the time. I was not and told her so. She suddenly became very animated and excited as she started to describe a girl that she wanted to set me up with.
My aunt began by talking about how "sweet" and "nice" this girl was. She emphasized the "sweetness of her spirit" and the genuinely "kind" heart that she had. Each of these adjectives was a big, waving red flag for me. Now for those of you who are no longer in the realm of being single and dating, the words, "sweet", "nice", "kind", etc., are typically understood to be code words for "physically unattractive". When a single person hears a description of a potential date that includes everything but a physical description, the single person automatically assumes the worst. As my aunt continued describing this girl, my image of her was getting less and less desirable.
So when my aunt finally got around to asking if I would be willing to take this girl out, in my mind, I was all prepared to say no. But at the last second, I said yes. I agreed to take this girl out, despite the mental image that I had concocted. My aunt was very excited that I had accepted and immediately grabbed her husband to tell him about it. My uncle, once he heard that I had agreed, said, "Oh you've made a good wouldn't know it, but her family is probably the wealthiest family in our city. They are very humble about it."
Now, I'll admit, this prospect just became slightly more attractive, because who doesn't like the idea of getting in good with a wealthy family?
It was then that my aunt suddenly remembered something. She told me that I would have to take this girl out in the next two weeks, because after that, she wouldn't be available for a month or two. When I asked why, wondering what was taking this girl away for so long, my aunt replied:
"Because she will be busy competing in the Miss Utah Pageant"
This girl, whom I had been ready to dismiss completely and disregard from the start, happens to be a beauty pageant contestant. She had already won several crowns over the last few years, including the current crown for her county. I later found out she was quite brilliant in academics, generous to a fault, down-to-earth, and as my aunt described, one of the nicest people I have ever met.
And I almost said no.
A few weeks ago, I was on the phone with an IPC who wanted some advice and direction in building her business. We were discussing her means of communication with her team and with prospects, and that lead to me asking about her contact pool. She lamented to me that she had exhausted all of her warm pool and didn't know how to work with getting cold contacts or finding new people.
So, she and I started talking about her daily routine: the errands she ran, the places she went, the appointments she kept. I asked her as we went through each activity, "Who do you interact with? Who do you talk to?"
At one point she mentioned a gentleman that she sees on a regular basis. She actually brought him up a few times, including pointing out that he lived a few doors down from her on the same street.
I felt I should ask her more about this gentleman. I prodded her a bit and asked her some more about him. She answered with some vague generalities. I finally asked her directly, "Have you approached him about the business or the product?"
She said, "No, I'm pretty sure he couldn't afford it and isn't in a position to take this seriously. He lives in a pretty poor area."
I responded to her comment with, "But don't YOU live in that same area?"
At this she took pause. Then she started laughing and said, "I never even thought of that. I can't believe I dismissed him just because of where he lived."
We then went on and came up with a game plan to contact this man. I haven't heard yet whether or not he was receptive, but both she and I that day learned the importance of never pre-judging anyone. You just don't know until you find out for yourself if someone is a good candidate.
As you go about building your business and getting ready for ILC, I want to challenge you to look again at anyone you may have dismissed for one reason or another. Don't take away their opportunity to say no to you. If you never ask or approach have already said no for them.
You never know when that contact that may be "nice" and "sweet" will end up being a beauty contestant winner...or your next Area Developer.
As always - Go out there and be magnificent!
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Morinda IPC number : 2631879
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