Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Morinda Offers Hope

When you partner up with Morinda, you are in the business of providing pure unadulterated hope into people's lives

Morinda is a very unique company with a very unique opportunity. I know that in our 18 years as a company we've heard this countless times. However, it doesn't make the statement less true. If you look back throughout our companies history, we've always seem to be in the right place at the right time. That often reaffirms to me that Morinda is one of the very few companies across the full spectrum of industries that has consistently achieved greatness, with companies such as Coca-Cola, Google, Apple, Amazon and General Electric, just to name a few. Each of these companies in their own way, with in their own niche, pioneered their platform and contribution to heights of mega influence in commerce.
These are not the statements of a hopeless romantic, but as I sit back and think of Morinda, our history, our present and our future, I see our paths taking a parallel course as other great companies. We are taking bold actions to aggressively grow our markets and increase the opportunities of your businesses. The recently launched Area Developer program is a prime example of one of these bold steps; another is the introduction of the TruAge Scanner. Never before have we had a second point of validation when it comes to the efficacy of our products. Because of this there has been and continues to be a learning curve that is taking place, and that is perfectly normal. As a side note, if you find yourself in that position, give yourself some permission to learn.
However, what really put Morinda on the course to achieve greater grow and opportunity than all of these other great companies is that we have at our core, a power concept that fills a need that people all over the world strive to find so they can fill a void that they have in their lives. When you partner up with Morinda, you are in the business of providing pure unadulterated hope into people's lives. We are delivering a solution. Think about it, our products, our positioning, our science, our testimonials, our compensation plan, and even our events, are all designed to give others hope. Hope to have more quality time here on earth, hope that you'll be able to share that time with others. Hope that money will not determine which one of our dreams is doable and which ones are not. Hope that we can be engaged in a good cause, something greater than ourselves. Hope that we can be in some way lightens burdens of another. We provide the one thing that millions of people all over the world want, yearn for, and search for every single day, no matter who you are, we provide a message/opportunity of hope.
This to me gives us an advantage that not very many have. Many companies try to manufacture, create or even contrived hope, and it is so sad to watch. They desperately grab at straws because they know they offer little to no value to the marketplace. From the beginning our five founders have said they never want Morinda to be just another company, they wanted to have a vehicle that offers true value, with a pure vision. This is why no matter how many times people, companies, industries, or whoever takes a shot at us, we always rise above. It's the reason why we are seeing leaders returning. Morinda with all that we are doing, and consequently each of you as our business partners, are offering the world hope.
The next time, that any of us are discouraged and down, or wonder if we should make that phone call, I just want all of us to take a brief moment and remember that we are not calling or contacting to sell a product, we are reaching out an offering someone a chance to finally embrace the opportunity of achieving that which they have been searching for.
We love you, we pray for each of you and your families, and we are here to help in any way we can.

Join with us

Morinda IPC number : 2631879
e-mail : chun8955@hanmail.net
mobile : 82-10-8639-8955

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